Father Gabriel Harty, OP, the Rosary Priest
UPDATE from this posting: Fr. Gabriel went to heaven on May 9, 2019. Pray for us Fr. Gabriel.
“The Bible and the Beads” (The skete also adds the Bowl)
“If you want to get back to the source of the Rosary, to its origins, we would need to open the Scriptures. That is why I like to bring together the Bible and the Beads, the two together” -Fr. Gabriel Harty, OP
A very dear friend of ours, Fr. Gabriel Harty, The Dominican Rosary Priest from Ireland, has a very big place in our hearts and that of Nazareth House Apostolate. I fondly remember preparing his oatmeal with prunes for breakfast when he was here a few years back. What a joy it was to have him with us and what a joy it is to carry him in our hearts. Seraphim, Fr. Gabriel and I are never far apart though the miles span wide; for we are connected through the Life of Christ prayed in the rosary. Everyday.
If you’ve read much or know much about the rosary, you know about Fr. Gabriel. He is a remarkable man and as a Dominican he has preached, prayed and taught the rosary all over the world.
His strength and focus is incredible. During his visit to NHA in 2011, he was only a few months from turning 90 years old.
We’ve traveled to Ireland to see him and hope to return very soon.
Fr. Gabriel has been there for us for decades through his books on the rosary – even before we met him face to face.
Seraphim carried Fr. Gabriel’s book on the rosary and healing with him around the world as he prayed through war zones. There was so much healing needed especially in Sierra Leone after the horrific atrocities of the Civil war.
Recently we held a Wednesday Study Class. The subject is the rosary. We dive deep into one mystery at a time.
Fr. Seraphim always begins class with the quote from Fr. Gabriel “If you want to get back to the source of the Rosary, to its origins, we would need to open the Scriptures. That is why I like to bring together the Bible and the Beads, the two together”
Whenever I receive an email or a card from the post from Fr. Gabriel, his words are always encouraging, caring and brighten my day. A true shepherd, a true father.
At 95 this beloved priest is regularly teaching school in Dundalk, Ireland.
Click here to hear Fr. Gabriel’s Interview on the Rosary
If you haven’t purchased the book HEAVEN SENT, we highly recommend it.
Its the perfect Christmas Gift for those who daily say the rosary, for those just starting out or at any stage in between. It is one of his best, although everything he has to say or write is excellent.
click here to purchase “Heaven Sent” from Amazon. The kindle edition is also available.