Little Things

Geez, its hard to believe we’ve been back in the States now for six days. Seems a bit more difficult this time to “re-enter” into the life around me here. Fr. Seraphim is battling malaria, we are both battling missing everyone in Salone. Our time there always goes so quick, so many to see, so much to do, so little time.

This trip began as usual with us lugging 4 suitcases crammed full of supplies & medications to the airport plus our carry on luggage. Flying over there always has some degree of frustrations, but I have to say that this year, the struggle was at a minimum. Upon arriving at the airport, we were offered an earlier flight to Chicago and in no time at all, we were up in air, on our way. The journey had begun. All of our bags weighed in under limit and were checked all the way to Freetown. No hassles, no over limit fees!

The flights are long and tiring. At one point, I fell asleep with my banana laying on my seat tray. As I wake up I see that the banana has a face and greets me. (Bananas are my favorite because they have appeal and they are boneless).

I love traveling with Fr. Seraphim, it makes the task, whatever it might be, bearable.

It is a comfort to know that the beads are always clicking, prayer after prayer …

Knowing of Fr. Seraphim’s deep desire to return to the desert, I noticed the intensity in which he peered out over the Sahara Desert as we flew over.

click, click, click…

During long spans of time on a plane, you find its the little things that make it better…

I spread my “little things” on my seat tray for easy access, they comfort me…fill in the time… Mr. Bean on an ipod, a Bloody Mary, a notebook…

…and then I look over on Fr. Seraphim’s flight tray and see his little things….

A copy of the Gospels, his prayer beads, and journal…

….its the little things that make all the difference. This trip proved its all about the little things. Little smiles, little hugs, loving little by little, village by village, life by life. God does BIG with little. Thank you all for the success of this mission. Stay tuned to this blog often… you’ll see the little things, the little things that are the reason for Nazareth House – our journey – yours, mine, it belongs to us all.

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