The Daughters of Saints Mary and Martha
Who are the The Daughters of Saints Mary and Martha?
The Daughters of Saints Mary and Martha is an association of women of all ages and backgrounds living under a common Rule of Life. As communicants in good standing in the Anglican Province of Christ the King, each member affirms the Real Presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, and worships using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
In addition to living under a common Rule of Life, the Daughters of Mary & Martha commit themselves to continuing study of the history, worship and doctrine of the Church. They do also take advantage of periodic retreats.
Why Saints Mary and Martha?
Mary and Martha of Bethany were sisters and contemporaries of Jesus, but the Gospel accounts of Saint Luke (10:38) and Saint John (11:31) show that they were quite different from each other.
To us, Mary represents the contemplative, studious, prayerful life, while Martha is dedicated to the service of others. We seek to balance the virtues of these two saints in our own lives. Dedicating ourselves to prayer and service under a common Rule of Life can help us achieve that balance.
To join them
If you feel called to a discipline of service and prayer, please contact the for more information. Cari Renz- email:
Cari Renz
c/o St. Thomas Church
2725 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94115-2110
The Daughters of Saints Mary and Martha
To be present at Mass every Sunday throughout the year
To be present at Mass on other Holy Days of Obligation as set forth in the 1928
Book of Common Prayer
To say Morning and Evening Prayer as set forth in the
1928 Book of Common Prayer,
using Saints’ Days, Collects
where appropriate
To say the Angelus at noon
To say grace before meals
To examine her manner of life daily
To financially support the work of the Church by Biblical standard of the tithe
To identify and retain a spiritual director and confessor
To make her confession quarterly
To follow the rules of fasting and abstinence as set forth in the
1928 Book of Common Prayer
to be modest in word, dress and behavior,
and temperate in eating and drinking
To intercede regularly on behalf of others:
the unborn, the sick, the homeless,
the suffering, the dead, the Church,
the Province, and those who ask it.
To extend Christian charity to those in need.