Blessings on this Ascension Day.
Nazareth House Apostolate asks your prayers for Pa Foday as he is traveling and now in America for a reunion with some Missionary Friends and Family who were with him in Kabala many years ago. Welcome to America Pa Foday!
While Pa Foday is in America, James is in Kabala at the NHA School. I just received a text message that one of our students is injured and James is taking him to the hospital to have him tended to by medical professionals. I hope that the doctor is in today! Pray for the student and pray for James as he is continues to do the good work of NHA in the name of the NHA Team – both here and in Sierra Leone.
James is helping the workers at the Compound. We are still trying hard to complete this task, we still need $12,500 dollars and we will have accomplished this much needed necessity to our work.
If you haven’t already, please consider giving a donation today. For those of you who have already given all that you can towards this project, please spread the word. This is such a worthy cause, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked…. helping those in need ascend to a higher standard of living from the poverty they now exist in.