The contractor is in the process of tiling the NHA Compound. He has enough funds to do some tiling in the interior and the exterior wall. I was surprised by the exterior tiles, I wasn’t aware that tiles would be used outside and the “bright display” took me aback for a moment. But affectionately, I remember T.I.A. This Is Africa and bright colors remind of us of life and joy. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
There is plenty of work to be done to put the NHA Compound in proper live-in condition. However, the contractor is waiting on us to send him the funds to complete those tasks. We still owe a bit over $39,000 to him. So far he has used everything we have paid him on the NHA Compound (materials, workers salaries, etc) and he’s used nothing on himself. He is not a rich man, not by far. He is a hard working family man and deserves to be paid. If you haven’t contributed to the Compound… please consider doing so today. If you have contributed and know of others who would like to be a part of this great work – please tell them about what you have accomplished to help others in Sierra Leone through Nazareth House Apostolate. Every organisation needs a center of operations and Nazareth House is no different.
We must have a place to house our staff and store the supplies. There are so many people depending on us, prayerfully consider a donation today. Thank you.