Please continue your prayers for our staff in Sierra Leone. As we, here in America, Europe and other areas of the world are offering our prayers, our Nazareth House Family & Friends in Freetown are all rallying around to help, in whatever way they can in Freetown. A true example of the blended family spirit of Nazareth House Apostolate – we all do what we can to help each other (borders and differences do not stop us).
Kadijah was not awake most of the night, as James continued “on watch”. When Kadijah’s mom came in to be with her, James went out try and catch some sleep in a car – only to have a thief disturb him, trying to enter the car to help himself to James’ belongings.
Kadijah awoke this morning and began vomiting. She was transferred to another hospital in which James described as “cleaner and better” with attentive medical staff. We are hoping that this new place will see her through to regain her health. Until we know what is going on… we pray. Thank you all for your concern and love.
Both James and Kadijah appreciate you so much and are thankful that you are a part of Nazareth House Apostolate. God Bless you all.
We look forward to Kadijah smiling and returning to her beautiful, active and fun-loving self.