Rice, rice, rice

One of the things we enjoy doing while on the ground in Sierra Leone is distributing rice to those we come across as we work our way around the villages & cities.

Its a positive situation all around. We buy the rice from local distributors – this stimulates the economy, helping the the merchants out.Once we bring the rice home and unload it, we begin to distribute to those in need. Families get a break on their food budget, some are so poor that they wouldn’t have eaten with out it, others have small food and this fills bellies a little better.
We like to surprise a family, showing up with Rice when they least expect it. Otherwise, if they know we are coming, they will prepare a meal for us with what little they have and share what could possibly be all they have with us.
Of course, the families that get the rice are always happy to receive it, but its hard to explain unless you’ve experienced the giving in Sierra Leone. The bag of rice is nice, but the gift of the love and caring from the people who have received it is unbelievable. We always come away as the ones who have received the larger gift than a mere bag of rice.

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