Thank you for your prayers, the One Love Foundation container filled with supplies and two vehicles (the insides of which also crammed with supplies) has been packed and on its way to port for shipping to Sierra Leone. Maria Stianchie tells me that Fr. Sandy in Freetown will receive the container and distribute the supplies. Much of which will go to the orphanage that Nazareth House visited and other items in the container will go to the upper provinces to a clinic helping Amputation Victims. We pray protection on its arrival to Freetown Port. We will keep you updated on its journey and arrival. One Love Foundation & Nazareth House Apostolate have become friends working to better the lives of those suffering in Sierra Leone.
The pictures above show Maria and Company unloading the Storage unit where the items for Sierra Leone were collected. Next loading the container, loading the vehicles and finally, the packed container leaves on its way to port. The Photos were provided by Maria of One Love Foundation.